New Improved
10 months ago

Update: Milestones Customisation.

Exciting news, Iceberg Digital users! We've just rolled out an awesome update that will make managing your milestones a breeze. Now you can change the order of your milestones and customise your milestone lists per branch, either set default milestone lists in settings, or add and remove milestones and change the order in the sales progression itself!
With this new feature, you have the flexibility to arrange your milestones in a way that best suits your workflow. Whether you prefer to start with the most critical tasks or work your way from the beginning to the end, the power is now in your hands. Simply drag and drop to reorder them effortlessly.
Say goodbye to the days of feeling restricted by a rigid structure. We understand that every user has unique preferences, and we want to empower you to customize your experience. This update is all about putting you in control and helping you work more efficiently.
We're committed to continually enhancing your user experience here at Iceberg Digital. Keep an eye out for more exciting updates coming your way soon. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us. Let's keep growing and improving together!

PLEASE NOTE: The updates to milestones will only affect any new sales progressions you begin from this date, or any you currently have open which do not have any information currently in them.

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